No more secrets, staking superheroes, Bruce and Jimmy's prank war, RIP Alfred, Gail keeps hitting on Arthur, out in the Far Sector, Dial M for Multiverse, and Lemire branches out.
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How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #526 /
Booster strikes out, how many Manhunters are there? a brief return of the Super-Sons, too many Questions, Scott Snyder throws darts at the wall, Teen Lantern’s origin, or course it had to be Mxyzptlk, alien symbiote spandex, and it’s all there in (blurry) black and white.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #518 /
Clark’s origin redux, Detectives assemble!, checking in on Multiversity, holding the world hostage, Shadow’s travails, RIP Vertigo, and September listings.