Aquaman - The Return of Nepto / The Fiery Invaders / by Mark

Bob Haney is back as the writer of The Return of Nepto.

A violent storm is felt under the sea, throwing flaming rocks at our heroes. They duck into a cave, where they find sleeping giants dressed like Norsemen. Of course, the storm wakes them up, and their leader Nepto declares himself King of the Seas. Aqualad mentions that title is already taken. Nepto turns out to be a tyrant that attacked Atlantis long ago before being buried in a seaquake--well, he's back. The battle begins, and it's clear Nepto's henchmen are no match for our heroes. However, the giant tyrant has a trident that zaps them back into the cave, where he traps them with boulders. Meanwhile, Nepto attacks Atlantis, whose citizens as usual complain about Aquaman not saving them. He's busy calling in an octopus to free them (could this be Topo from the comics)? They are back in action, with an army of fish to help out. Electric eels, one of Aquaman's favorite species to call in, repel the zap of Nepto's trident. The fish army keeps the henchmen busy, but the giant tyant warns Aquaman to step down or he will take out Atlantis' dome. The Sea King agrees, but then ties up the giants while Tusky nabs the trident. Aqualad prances around with the trident, and Aquaman takes him down a peg.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (4)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Suffering Sawfish, Wailing Wallfish
  • Nepto and the giants change size throughout the episode--this happens a lot in poor animation


Dennis Marks, the writer of The Fiery Invaders, was involved in various animated project, and at one point did the voice of Green Goblin for the 80's Spider-Man series. 

An alien ship attacks Earth's oceans, setting them on fire (?!?).  Aqualad discovers this and calls Aquaman in the Aquacave. (That enough Aquas for you?). He blows off Storm, saying that he can swim faster--so why does he ride a seahorse in the first place? Meanwhile, Aqualad gets knocked out and is about to be boiled when the Sea King saves him. Aquaman calls on narwhals to dig holes in the ocean floor--now sure what good that does. Whales come in to splash water on the fire, and somehow that extinguishes it. More alien ships attack, and jellyfish are deployed to absorb the fire chemical (which I assume kills them?). Whales are redeployed and everyone splashing in the water takes out the ship. The mothership goes underwater and attacks Atlantis (of course). Dolphins stop the alien torpedoes, and the aliens shoot fireballs at our heroes--they form a vortex to stop them. Whales push the ship out of the water and into space (!?!?!?!?). 

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (6), Minnow
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Suffering Sailfish, Holy Haddock
  • The aliens are your standard big-headed green creatures
  • The alien's fire chemical sounds like fireworks going off
  • None of Aquaman's counterattacks make any sense

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.