Aquaman - The Ice Dragon / The Deadly Drillers / by Mark

Bob Haney returns with "The Ice Dragon".

A giant squid and a huge dragon-beast are fighting (as often happens). Our heroes check it out. The dragon freezes the squid with its breath (hence the title). Our heroes start a fight, and Aquaman is frozen as well. The others break him out, and swordfish are called in. The dragon forms a wall of ice to stop them. They all surface, and the dragon turns the water into ice. All the good guys get frozen, and a swordfish and hammerhead shark is called in cut them out. More fighting with the dragon, and Sea King knocks out his foe. Whales are called in to drag the dragon into an underwater cave. The revived dragon is tricked into freezing itself, and whales drag it to arctic waters.  Finally, they break out Tusky.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (18), Minnow (2)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Rabid Frostfish (that's what I make out), Suffering Seasnakes,
  • After Aquaman is frozen, we clearly see his head move
  • The frozen ice comes in convenient cylinder shapes
  • Our heroes aren't as graceful when walking


Dennis Marks returns for "The Deadly Drillers".

An underwater earthquake brings in Aqualad to investigate. It's not natural--it's Mole Men! Aqualad gets caught in a fissure, and the Sea King rescues him with a school of blowfish. The Mole Men's ships are found, and Aquaman uses a killer shark to take it out. Aqualad is ordered to warn Atlantis. Aquaman is shocked by a ship and captured. Abnamar, King of the Mole Men, cackles from a TV screen on the ship. Aquaman escapes through a torpedo tube and calls in the fish troops, who take out most of the ships.  The rest are recalled, and Aquaman calls off his finny army.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (19)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Suffering Sailfish, Jumping Jellyfish. Aquaman counters with Great Guppies.
  • The Mole Men have nice yellow and red uniforms

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.