Aquaman: Where Lurks the Fisherman! / Mephisto's Marine Marauders / by Mark

It's more Bob Haney wackiness with the incorrectly punctuated "Where Lurks the Fisherman!".  Is it a question, or a forceful statement?  Let's find out.

A crab-shaped ship is captained by our titled Villain, who wears a weird helmet with (apparently) nothing inside. The rest of his costume must have been purchased on Halloween night--it's all remainders, including a cape, unitard, shoulder pads, and swim fins. His "hammerhead" henchmen are bizarre mutants with headrests for heads. He sneaks into the Aquacave and booby traps a remote control. Our heroes return, and Aqualad is about to use the remote, but Tusky smells trouble. He grabs it and streaks away just before it explodes. Is the goofy sidekick dead? Not on Saturday morning TV--he was blown clear.

The Fisherman, assuming our Aquaheroes are dead, heads off to Atlantis. He shoots attack miniships at the domed city, which use rings of fire. Aquaman calls for his fish army. Fisherman sends his goons to attack the Marine Marvels (his words, not mine). Swordfish pull the rings of fire off the Atlantis dome, and our heroes and their finny friends take out the henchmen. Fisherman uses a sonic cannon on Atlantis, and the dome starts cracking.  Whale sharks are called in to take it out. The Fisherman knocks out Aqualad and tries to reel in the Sea King. Aqualad (who apparently woke up a few seconds later) helps him out, along with a giant clam that cuts the line. Tusky is netted, but one of the sharks grabs the villain and sends him into a crevasse. They think he's done for, but we see him again at the end, vowing vengeance.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (30), Minnow (5)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Sputtering Spoonbills, Holy Hagfish, Suffering Sailfish, Holy Haddocks
  • I love how the Fisherman's henchmen are just chillin' outside the Aquacave
  • The Fisherman (voiced by Ted Knight, as is most every villain) has a rather whiny voice
  • The whale sharks seem rather angry
  • The giant clam has a rather cartoony jagged mouth


Oscar Bensol brings us more alliteration with "Mephisto's Marine Marauders".

Tusky is playing along the pipeline sending oxygen to Atlantis. Our heroes are checking on the oxygen extraction plant, where our titled villain (costumed in standard red devil horns and red jumpsuit) tells his goons to drop a sleeping pellet into the system. The henchmen (with pointed ears, domino masks, and red pantyhose) take the medicine ball-sized pellet, Aqualad spies them, and warns the Sea King. He tells the teenager to stay out of sight until he arrives, which of course he ignores. Tusky stops the bad guys, but they use a vibro-beam on Aqualad, grab the pellet, and are about to finish the job when Aquaman arrives. Out with the vibro-beam again--the Sea King spins and throws hard water balls to capture them. The pellet is already dissolving--Aqualad gets it out but falls asleep.  

The villain's ships close in, and the Sea King calls in a bull whale to take one of them out. The rest of the ships follow the standard maneuver of attacking the dome. Aquaman rides a needle-nose shark at the ships, and the rest of the fish army takes out the ships. Mephistos main ship attacks, and what sounds like the announcer tells him their vibro-beam is smashed, so he uses the "tangler" on them. A saw-nose shark (you know, there isn't a shark for every tool) cuts them out, and a bull whale finishes the villain off. Aqualad then takes a nap.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (31)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Jumping Jellyfish, Holy Haddock
  • Seems like it would easier to attack Atlantis by destroying the oxygen pipeline, rather than attacking the dome
  • Tusky seems to be doing all the work here
  • Why doesn't the sleep pellet start dissolving as soon as it is in the water?
  • Why is Atlantis underwater if they breathe oxygen anyway?

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.