Zion Crossroads, VA
Latitude 37.58 degrees
Longitude 78.12 degrees
We've reached our second major stop for the trip, but before that--
A quick jaunt to Richmond to see the state house. We did some research online, and it asserted there was plenty of parking, but when the website link is dead...we eventually found a spot a few blocks away. The Virginia State House, like many, are in the midst of construction, but most of the interior was open. The actual chambers were locked, but we could look in. It's a relatively small place--looks like a toy on a hill.
In case the crowd gets rowdy…
We were very interested in Viscountess Astor, an American who moved to England and became the first woman elected to the House of Commons.
Moving on to "Mr. Smedley", a local entertainer with a mouse under his hat, immortalized with a statue.
We love big things--here's one. Don't run with it!
We stopped for lunch at the Silver Diner, a surprisingly upscale place with a goal of perfecting diner food. I think they succeeded. Mindy had the Bruschetta, while I had a club sammich. Outstanding!
While we waited for our hotel room to open up, we stopped at Albermare Ciderworks-- Mindy had a small flight, while I had the non-alcoholic version. We may go back...
We had some issues with our hotel--no working elevator, no king bed, and no TV (we moved to another room for the last item). This is the place we were assigned by the timeshare company who wants us to buy (I guess they aren't very proud of their resort, where we go for the actual spiel). Then, after the rain moved in and our first dinner choice fell through (how do restaurants pay their leases when they are only open a few days a week?) we noticed a wood fired pizza place across the street called Matchbox PIzza. Lucked out again-- excellent!
That's enough for now--tomorrow, we sit through a timeshare bit, then hopefully move onto more exciting things.