Reporting from Rolla, MO.
We’ve been in three states today, starting with Oklahoma, which offered us a cheery good morning.
There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow…
After some driving and possible wrong terms (we couldn’t get two GPS’s to agree), we found ourselves at the border of three states.
We then visited the Joplin Museum Complex, which is a strange assortment of random stuff that adds up to an interesting experience.
Joplin was founded on mining, so there’s a large exhibit on that.
Words to live by.
Dennis Weaver was born here. Chief? (something for the MSTies out there)
There’s a miniature circus exhibit and the…
Plus cats wander around the museum freely. All for $2 a head (yours, not the cats).
By then, it was time to eat. Open faced beef sammich, taco salad, and homemade pie from Granny Shaffer.
We had already planned to stop in Carthage to see Marlin Perkins’ statue (he of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom) when I read 20 minutes earlier that Jim Fowler (the guy who wrestled the wildebeest while Marlin had Mai-Tai’s in his tent) died today at 87. RIP
We then reached a second…well you know. This one was in a parking lot.
There’s a rest stop on I-44 (aka Route 66) that has miniature versions of attractions on the way.
When we saw the “World’s Largest Gift Store”, you know we had to stop. Bonus—Lucy’s old car. Where’s Fred and Ethel?
Yet another attraction is the Uranus Fudge Factory. Let the puns begin!
So we wound up in Rolla, which houses Stonehenge—at least a miniature version.
No one knows who they were, or what they were doing.
OK, that’ll do it. Wi-fi is giving out. More tomorrow.